So, it's been a slow couple months on the writing front. After a brief flurry of activity in getting my well-aged short story polished and out for consideration (still waiting to hear back), I did manage to crank out my first real effort at a piece of flash a hard sci-fi no less. For a change of pace, I started with a title and figured out a plot to go with it. The idea is decent, but I just couldn't keep it under a thousand words. It stands at around 1200 and really needs to be expanded to give the protagonist a better arc. Ultimately, it'll probably end up somewhere around 2000 words, but much better for it.
Might be a while before I try flash again. Either it's just not that easy to write, or I'm simply not wired that way. Heck, I still find novel length material easier to write than "ordinary" short fiction.
My short term goal is to fix up that non-flash story and then maybe knock out one or two other shorts I have in mind before getting back to the novel side of the to-do list.
In the meantime, I'll throw out another bit of the collaboration story. I think this is where it really starts to expand the scope of weirdness.
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